Cryodestruction of Hepatic Tumors


Cryodestruction of hepatic tumors is done by freezing the tumor and an appropriate amount of surrounding normal tissue in situ. The goal is complete destruction of malignant tissue. Local and systemic host mechanisms activated by the cold injury complete the process. Resorption of devitalized tissue and stabilization of the residual scar occurs during the ensuing months. Immune factors may contribute to the long-term process of cryodestruction although such effects are inconstant and ill defined. The purpose of this overview is to delineate the mechanisms of cryodestruction, briefly summarize clinical results and discuss the technique for treatment of hepatic tumors.


Greg V. Stiegmann, M.D., Allen L. Cohen, M.D., Suehiro Nakano, M.D., University of Colorado, Denver, CO

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