Endoscopic Assisted Lumbar Microdecompressive Spinal Surgery with a New SMART® Endoscopic Spine System


In response to the rapid development and demand of outpatient endoscopic minimally invasive lumbar surgical technique, the SMART® endoscopic spine system was developed for neurodecompression. This lumbar spine surgery is performed with a small skin incision, dilatation surgical technology, and an endoscopic-assisted spinal surgical system with progressive serial tubular retractors providing superior lighting and better visualization of the operative field for performing minimally invasive spinal surgery (MISS). The SMART® system incorporates the advantages of posterior paramedian endoscopic assisted microdecompressive surgical spinal system and posterolateral endoscopic lumbar system. This versatile SMART® endoscopic spine system with various sized working channels provides a generous and optimal access for endoscopic MISS of microdecompression of herniated lumbar discs, degenerative spinal disease, spinal stenosis, and removal of intraspinal lesions as well as creating an access for spinal arthroplasty and spinal fixation. With the unique features of the SMART® system, the surgeon can take advantage of microscopic, endoscopic, or direct vision for microdecompressive spinal surgery, bridging endoscopic and conventional spinal surgery. It appears to be easy, safe, and efficacious. This less traumatic and easier outpatient MISS treatment leads to excellent results, speedier recovery, and significant economic savings. The SMART® endoscopic spine system, surgical indications, operative techniques, and the potential complications and their avoidance are described and discussed herein.


John C. Chiu, M.D., F.R.C.S., D.Sc., California Center for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, California Spine Institute Medical Center, Newbury Park, CA

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